Perak Gwangdong Association and Wealth Geeks have organized “Trust and Inheritance Planning” talk on October 17 (Saturday) 2-4pm at Perak Gwangdong Association 3rd Floor Hall. The main speaker for the event will be our very own Pisteuo Advisory co-founder, MMTS founder Dato’ Chua Meng Min.
霹雳广东会馆主催,霹雳广东会馆青年团,霹雳广东会馆妇女组和 Wealth Geeks 联办”信托与传承规划“讲座,将于10月17日(星期六)下午2至4时,在霹雳广东会馆三楼冷气礼堂举行,欢迎有兴趣者踊跃出席。这项讲座是由 Pisteuo Advisory 联合创办人,MMTS 创办人及执行长拿督蔡明敏主讲。
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